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IBM Retail Store Solutions Exams
P6040-009  IBM SurePOS 300 Models 330 and 33H Technical Mastery Test
add to cart  Add to wish list  62 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$79.00
P6040-012  IBM SureMark Printers Models 2xR and 1xR Technical Mastery
add to cart  Add to wish list  100 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$188.00
P6040-014  IBM SurePOS 500 Models 5x5 Technical Mastery
add to cart  Add to wish list  60 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$78.00
P6040-015  IBM AnyPlace Kiosk Models 5xx 7xx and 9xx Technical Mastery
add to cart  Add to wish list  64 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$78.00
P6040-017  IBM SurePOS 700 Series Models 7x3 Technical Mastery
add to cart  Add to wish list  70 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$68.00
P6040-018  IBM SurePOS ACE V5 Technical Mastery Test
add to cart  Add to wish list  103 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$68.00
P6040-022  IBM SurePOS 500 Series models 5x6 Technical Mastery
add to cart  Add to wish list  100 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$188.00
P6040-024  IBM SurePOS 300 Models 34x and E4x Technical Mastery
add to cart  Add to wish list  100 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$188.00
P6040-025  IBM SurePOS 700 Series Models 743 and 784 Technical Mastery
add to cart  Add to wish list  66 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$68.00
P6040-026  IBM SurePOS 700 Series Models 745 775 and 785 Technical Mastery
add to cart  Add to wish list  100 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$188.00
M6040-408  M408 - IBM SurePOS 300 Models 330 and 33H Sales Mastery Test
add to cart  Add to wish list  100 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$188.00
M6040-420  IBM SureMark Printers Models 2xR and 1xR Sales Mastery
add to cart  Add to wish list  32 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$68.00
M6040-421  IBM SurePOS 700 Series Models 7x3 Sales Mastery
add to cart  Add to wish list  100 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$188.00
M6040-423  IBM AnyPlace Kiosk models 3xx 5xx 7xx and 9xx Sales Mastery
add to cart  Add to wish list  31 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$68.00
M6040-424  IBM SurePOS 300 Models 34x and E4x Sales Mastery
add to cart  Add to wish list  35 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$68.00
M6040-426  IBM SurePOS 700 Series Models 745 775 and 785 Sales Mastery
add to cart  Add to wish list  33 Q&As  Updated: 2025-03-11   Price:$68.00