ALL IT Certifications

Many certifications now require multiple exams to get the certificate. For the convenience of customers, we provide bundled package service, you only need to purchase one time. All bundled products enjoy 55% discount service. And for bundled exams, not only can enjoy both PDF and software two versions, but also enjoy one year free updated.


Get Cisco CCNP Collaboration certification, you must pass 350-801 CLCOR and 300-820 CLCEI exams.


350-801 CLCOR Implementing and Operating Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies (CLCOR)

300-820 CLCEI Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions (CLCEI)

Note: To earn Cisco CCNP Collaboration certification, you can also choose other exam (300-810 CLICA, 300-815 CLACCM, 300-820 CLCEI or 300-835 CLAUTO exam) as the concentration test. If you need other concentration test, you can contact us to change after you make the payment. 


Now our website provides more payment services: Credit Card, Alipay, Visa Card, Mastercard, Western Union, Paypal and Debit Card. If you fail the exam with our dumps, send your score report to us, we give you payment refund that you paid for us at once. 


The bundled package service is so convenient, welcome to buy. 

Study the latest Cisco CCNP Collaboration certification 350-801 CLCOR and 300-820 CLCEI training questions to prepare the two exams.

$68.00 02-04-2025 350-801
Implementing and Operating Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies (CLCOR)
$68.00 02-04-2025 300-820
Implementing Cisco Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions (CLCEI)
Price : $61.20
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Bundled exams price is low, bundled exams send both PDF and software, bundled exams enjoy one year free updated, bundled exam questions are latest.